Sunday, February 15, 2015


21 Day Fix Extreme Countdown To Competition
Week one is about to go down in the books & I'm so PUMPED for MANY reasons.  The creator of this program, Autumn, also created the 21 Day Fix and that launched almost EXACTLY a year ago, February 2014.  It really broke everything down for me on eating portions sizes with the easy little containers that came with the program and made me realize that I had a problem with OVEREATING.  There is such a thing as overeating even healthy things! 

21 Day Fix Portion Control Containers

The nutrition part was my ABSOLUTE favorite part of the program, but you honestly can't beat 30 minute workouts, which is my IDEAL time for a workout.  ANYONE can fit in a 30 minute workout, NO EXCUSES!  Lifting weights are also my go-to kind of workout, so with the coupling of 30 minute workouts with weights... I was in heaven!  I got AMAZING results from it & from February on for the rest of the year I did the 21 Day Fix & maintained (for the most part). 

Well, now is THEE next challenge.  The new 21 DF EXTREME brings everything up a notch, or two, or FIVE and BLASTS away those last pesky pounds that may be lingering.  I've had some stubborn fat lingering in my lower body (thighs, hips, & booty) that I'm just BEYOND ready to work off & from what everyone has said & all the transformation photos... it'll happen with this program! 

With Extreme, Autumn also added her COUNTDOWN TO COMPETITION plan that she does when she is prepping for her bikini competitions & because I'm wanting EXTREME results I'll be following that plan, as well as the hubby!  It focuses on carb depletion, which helps you burn through those last stores of body fat, while still continuing to fuel you through your workouts & in a healthy way!  I fell into the 1,500-1,799 calorie range since I am in the active lifestyle bracket.

My grocery list for the hubby & I: 
21 Day Fix Extreme Grocery List

Our fridge is now stocked to the MAAAAX with lots of eggs, chicken, & broccoli (unseen in the pic) & much more that'll keep us 100% on track this week.  We are HUGE believers in if you fail to plan then you are planning to fail.
21 Day Fix Extreme Meal Prep

In addition to buy all the needed supplies for the week, I also took some time to sit down & create a meal plan for what I will be eating this week.  I print this off & have it on the fridge & I have a picture saved to my phone so I never have to guess what it is that I'm going to be eating during the week.  Planning out what I have to eat for each meal only takes 10 minutes & making the excel spreadsheet another 10 minutes -- that'll save me precious minutes throughout the week. 

The white colored columns is the Countdown to Competition meal plan and the grey colored columns is the Extreme Meal Plan.
21 Day Fix Extreme Meal Prep Calendar

For the workouts:  You will need a set of light and heavy weights for the workouts.  I use 5 pounds & 10 pounds.  The hubby uses 15 pounds & 20 pounds -- yeah, I know he's crazy!  Haha!  I'm also adding in a resistance band for the Pilates workout, but it's optional!  We got all our stuff from Academy, but you can find everything at Walmart or Target. 

Wish us luck -- Brody is cheering us on already!!!!!

If you would like to join me and get in the best shape of your life with the 21 Day Fix Extreme, simply fill out the application below and I will contact you with more details!
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